
About web design & development.


This site started as a weblog on WordPress, but it has evolved since.

To this day, the original idea of the former blog lives on in this Essays section, where I continue to cover pretty much anything that relates to web development & web design. Majoring in CSS.

Latest posts

  • Forced Colors Mode Futility

    Can “Forced Colors Mode” be used as an entry-level debugging tool?


  • Forced Colors Mode Strategies

    A reminder that “Forced Colors Mode” is a thing, and some strategies you can apply today.


  • Not always mobile first

    With “Basics First” you’ll implement your designs with fewer lines of code.


  • Six levels of dark mode

    From HTML-only to JS-infused, and all the CSS in between.


  • Native visually hidden

    I did some research on last year’s debate whether we need it.


  • Is CSS alive?

    Spoiler alert: More than ever! But let me go back in time a bit.


  • Beyond 100vw

    We’ve come a long way since the first iPhone supercharged the mobile web.


  • The Day The Website Stood Still

    On the intersection of progressive degradation and graceful enhancement.


  • Ask the User

    You could make assumptions about what your users want. Or you could just ask them.


  • No Web Font, No Cry

    I’ve turned off font loading six months ago. This is what I learned.


  • Accessibility for Everyone

    When it comes to accessibility, can help you walk the walk.


  • On Using Static Site Generators

    I wrote about static site generators, but went down the Vanilla-or-not rabbit hole.


The list above contains only the twelve most recent entries. In this section alone, there are 25 blog posts, and there are other sections on this site. To see what else is going on, you may want to head over to the home page or browse using the navigation below.