Remembering Print Styles

A response to “I totally forgot about print style sheets” on


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Matthias Beitl wrote on

Great article, comes in handy as a cheat sheet for print. And so true. We think about print even less than accessibility. (Also: reminds me of my very first medium post—Good times 🙂

Manuel Matuzović wrote on

In reply to: @CSSence.

Thank you!

I wouldn’t differentiate here, because by optimizing for print we are making our websites more accessible at the same time.

PS: When I saw your name I had to think a little about where I know you from, but now I know. I recently read your great JavaScript Wars post 😉

Matthias Beitl wrote on

In reply to: @matuzo.

Agreed, in this case accessibility comes as a bonus.

PS. After reading your post I had to check my own site to see if my print styles still work 😉

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