Easter Eggs

Hidden gems on CSSence.com.


This page takes the burden of an 🥚 hunt away from you, as it already presents the built-in shenanigans in a nice compact list. Then again, not really, because below are only those I had the time to write about, so you could still rummage through the source code and look for more. Also, this site is constantly changing, additional eggs may end up in the basket.

Found so far

  • Easter Eggs

    An Easter Eggs page about this site’s Easter Eggs?

    Easter egg

  • Color #d34b6c

    Color #d34b6c is the default accent color.

    Easter egg

  • Color #bada55

    Color #bada55 is the accent color for editorials and about pages.

    Easter egg

  • CSS Naked Day

    April 9 is the day where websites are supposed to go without style sheets.

    Easter egg

  • (Not) Found

    This page does exist. No need to feel bad about it.

    Easter egg

  • Hidden Pages

    There are two hidden pages on this site.

    Easter egg

To be continued. You may expect writings about »Markup«, »Site Designs«, »Comment Zero«, and more.