Welcome to CSSence.com
CSSence? What is that?
The person
My name is Matthias, I’m also known as @CSSence. I’m a web developer, passionate about design, semantics and accessibility. And obviously CSS. I work in Vienna, Austria.
The website
This site started as a weblog on WordPress. As time went by, I got my own domain and turned it into a full-fledged IndieWeb hub, where all my content resides for longevity.
Recent posts
Forced Colors Mode futility
Can “Forced Colors Mode” be used as an entry-level debugging tool?
Blog questions challenge
Jeremy Keith tagged all of his readers to write about why they write.
The Popover API and Firefox’s Shift+Tab trap
If it looks like a bug, smells like a bug, and quacks like a bug, it’s probably a bug.
CSS Day 2024
@CSSDayConf 2024, returning to Amsterdam after six years.
Alt text for pseudo-elements
Cross-browser support came in mid of 2024.
Keep the list role intact
Manuel Matuzović documented his discovery to work around a Safari issue.